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Literature In English

Literature In English

In France, in class of "première" we must write on the blog our improvement in English and more particuliate in Literature. This blog deals with our project in this class.

W is for Word

Posted on May 14 2014, 23:44pm

Categories: #Alphabiography


Words ... Words are the materialization of thought , they are necessary for us to communicate. This is one in particular that will allow us to convey our feelings, they have multiple meanings and combine them . In some people , the words are really important . For me for example , I happen to have some misunderstandings with friends, because of some words. I think the words are really important , they help to know a lot about people by what they write and what they say. I sometimes feel a glimpse into the soul of a person through his words. Those are the ones that will allow me to make my first impressions ... My first judgments. They must sometimes be reflected , come from the heart of old. But they have all the time to ask some thought.
However, words are not always enough, sometimes you need evidence, physical evidence , actions to prove what we say.

Life Lesson: Words are important because they are heavy meanings. They must be chosen carefully but sometimes requires a " cry of the heart " and must come spontaneously. However, they are not always sufficient to express what we feel , it is therefore not neglect the actions to accompany our words.

(I Decided to illustrate this article with one of my poems : Little Flower

O you, little flower of every morning
Sun raised, you hatched and let out your wonderful fragrance
You're in front of me but I can't touch you,
I'm too scared to break you
so, I stay here, I try to draw you
but my drawing can't be perfect,
I look at you from morning until evening,
but you're languishing in the arms of the wind,
this wind that at any moment
can bring down your sweet petals
and brings you more and more towards the inevitable.

By : Sik )

W is for Word
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Comment on this post
I do agree that words must be chosen very carefully because when it's said it's said, hard to come back but what do you think of nonverbal communication ? I've read somewhere that it represents around 80% of communication ; what do you reckon about this ? Is it as important for yourself ?

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